land of the misfits

Photobucket => Recipes => Topic started by: saffi on September 24, 2009, 11:48:05 am

Title: Gagoonz--Little Porcupines
Post by: saffi on September 24, 2009, 11:48:05 am
Gagoonz--Little Porcupines

      1 lb ground venison or ftaless round steak

      1/3 cup uncooked light brown wild rice

      1 small onion minced very fine

      1 seeded green pepper minced very fine

      1 tsp salt

      1/4 tsp pepper

      1 can tomatoes

      1 can tomato soup

Combine meat, uncoooked rice, onion, green pepper, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly. Shape into 1& firm meat balls. Bring soup and tomatoes in their liquid to a boil in frypan with tight cover, put in meat balls, reduce to very slow simmer. Simmer tightly until done with rice popping out of balls like porky quills -- about 40-45 minutes. -- Olga Masica, Minneapolis Native Recipes

Title: Re: Gagoonz--Little Porcupines
Post by: tatman on September 24, 2009, 03:48:56 pm
never heard that one before