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Author Topic: demonology  (Read 360 times)

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Mitakuye Oyasin

« on: October 11, 2008, 03:19:26 pm »


"The other shape,
If shape it might be call'd, that shape had none,
Distinguishable in member, joint, or limb;
Or substance might be call'd that shadow seem'd;
For each seem'd either; black it stood as night,
Fierce as ten furies, terrible as Hell,
And shook a dreadful dart; what seem'd his head
The likeness of a kingly crown had on.
Satan was now at hand; and from his seat
The monster, moving onward, came as fast
With horrid strides; Hell trembled as he strode."
-- John Milton


The term "demons" was not always understood to have the absolutely negative connotation that it does today.  Homer used the terms "demons" and "gods" more or less interchangeably.  Another opinion was that demons were intermediaries between men and gods, and that demons had once been men.  Plutarch speaks of "human souls as commencing, first heroes, then demons, and afterward as advancing to a more sublime degree."   Philo of Byblus seems to draw on this same tradition when he states that, "The most ancient of the barbarians, especially the Phoenicians and Egyptians, from whom other people derived this custom, accounted those the greatest gods who had found out things most necessary and useful in life -- and had been benefactors to mankind."

Our current use of the term "demon" is to denote a malignant spirit, and comes to us primarily form New Testament writers.  However, there is still uncertainty as to whether or not demons are considered to be distinct and separate from the Devil and his fallen angels. 


Demoniacal Possession
Demon possession - that is, a human who has become inhabited or "taken over" by a demon and who cannot, consequently, exercise his own will -  is  noted in the New Testament, specifically in Mark, Chapter 5, ver. 12.  Josephus also mentions a method of exorcism prescribed by Solomon, which had "prevailed or succeeded greatly among them down to the present time."  Unfortunately, Josephus does not describe the method used. 

There is little doubt that most of what was described in older times as "demon possession" would today be diagnosed as some sort of mental illness, and treated accordingly.  Nevertheless, a few cases of possession do seem to crop up from time to time, and the Roman Catholic Church does continue (sparingly) to perform exorcisms.


Periods of Increased Demon Activity
Some historians of times past believed that there were cycles during which demonic activity increased, and used this theory to explain various occurrences, much in the same way as today's economic historians might explain historical events in terms of trade, productivity and other factors.  These older historians saw a rise in demonic activity accompanying such occurrences as the destruction of Jerusalem, the fall of Rome and the French Revolution, and would in all likelihood also have viewed the demonic theory at work in relation to the rise of Nazism and World War II.


Demoniacal Prophesy
Ancients also had a sort of faith in the prophetic words spoken by those whom they believed to be possessed by demons, and this was sometimes a component of ancient oracles.  In connection with this, it is worth pointing out that a respected modern-day professor of psychology once witnessed a friend, who was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia make a specific and surprising prophecy that turned out to be perfectly accurate.  The professor had no explanation for this event. although one is tempted to hypothesize that there is a link between altered mental states and psychic ability.  Some also associate the ouija board with demoniacal prophesy, and those who have seen Linda Blair in The Exorcist will recall that this was how her character's problems began.


Species of Demons, as Described by Alphonse de Spina (1467)
Fates, who alter destiny
Poltergeists, who cause mischief
Incubi and Succubi, who stimulate lust and perversion
Marching Hordes, who bring about war
Familiars, who assist witches
Nightmares, who disturb sleep through bad dreams
Demons formed from Human Semen
Disguised Demons
Demons who Assail the Saintly
Demons who Instigate Witchcraft

Correspondence of Demons to the Seven Deadly Sins
(According to Peter Binsfield, a Jesuit, 1589)

Lucifer Pride
Mammon Avarice
Asmodeus Lust
Satan Anger
Beelzebub Gluttony
Leviathan Envy
Belphegor Vanity and Sloth


List of Demons
Acham - the demon of Thursday.

Alrinach - demon of shipwrecks.

Alocer - demon in astrology.

Any - the presiding demon of Hell.

Anamalech - the demon of bad news.

Andras - the demon of discord.

Aquiel - the demon of Sunday.

Arachula - evil spirit in the air.

Ardad - demon that leads travelers astray.

Ascaroth - demon of spies and informers.

Asmodeus - mentioned in the Book of Tobias; Asmodeus (aka Abaddon) is "The Destroyer."

Astaroth - one of the Chief Devils, sometimes spelled as Ashtaroth.  Astarte is its female. 

Baal - one of the Great Demons.  Also given as Baalim.

Bechard - the demon of tempests.

Bechet - the demon of Friday.

Behemoth - the demon of animal strength.

Belial - demon of the Sidonians.

Beelzebub - one of the Princes of Hell.  Also given as Beelzeboul.


Braathwaate - demon of Ignorance. 

Bucon - the demon of Hatred.

Byleth - one of the Kings of Hell.

Cheitan - demon born of Smoke.


Lanithro - demon of the air.

Legassa - demon of Hypocrisy.


Lucifer - "Light-bearer."


Mastiphal - one of the Princes of Darkness.


Saalah - demon that entices into the woods.


Tenebrion - Spirit of Darkness.

Verdelet - demon who carries witches to Sabbath.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 03:22:24 pm by tatman » Report Spam   Logged

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"Doesn't play well with others"

« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 08:13:11 am »

 I've never bought into the whole " witches and demons " beliefs...while I believe in both , I don't think Wiccan is invloved in any way with demonic is a earth based religion ....very respectible faith , in my opinion .
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« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2008, 11:44:02 am »

As a Wiccan and a Witch i of course disagree with almost all of this.

I do not believe in the devil (a Christian conception used to incite fear of the Pagan Horned God)  I do not believe in demons, evil or sin. I am not in league with any demons or devil.

Each of us are ALWAYS responsible for our own thoughts and actions. We should take responsibility and make amends anyway we can, not just think we can 'say' we repent.
Wiccans respect all living things, we try to create only positive energies for our fellow man, animal and our Earth.
We have great respect for Mother Earth for she is the creator of all life.
The Horned God is portrayed with Horns upon his head, for he is Lord of  the WildWood and the hunt, a consort to the Goddess, a dark to her light, Sun to Her Moon. He is a part of the source of all life, The horned God rules nature, the wild places; the forests, the mountains and deserts.

He is the universal Father of all life.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2008, 04:21:30 pm by blu rain » Report Spam   Logged
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2008, 11:52:57 am »

A verse from the  Wiccan Rede;

Bide the Wiccan law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil,
An ye harm none do as ye will.
And ever mind the rule of three, 
what ye send forth comes back to thee.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet and merry ye part.

Thank You Thunder  Kiss

You are right we are compassionate and loving.  We worship nature and protect all living thing.  We are taught respect for all beliefs, and we NEVER recruit 'followers' or condem any other religion.

We just are... as we have always been.

*bright blessings to you all*
blu rain
« Last Edit: November 30, 2008, 04:32:06 pm by blu rain » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2009, 02:44:50 am »

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